Tax Preparation by Dr. Rastogi - RTFS LLC.

Dr. Rastogi is experienced in operating various businesses and stays updated on tax law changes. He assists clients in achieving tax savings through proper planning and utilizing IRS-allowed strategies and deductions.

We prepare tax returns for:

  1. Sole Proprietorship – Single owner – Schedule C with form 1040.
  2. Partnership – two or more business owners – Form 1065 with Schedule K1s for partners.
  3. Limited Liability Company – Single business owner – Schedule C with Schedule K1 for the owner.
  4. S Corporation – Form 1120 S with schedule K1s for shareholders.
  5. C Corporation – form 1120.
  6. Non-Profit Entities – Form 990 or 990EZ.
  7. Non-Resident Tax Filing – 1040 NR form.
  8. IFTA and Estimated taxes.

Tax Preparation Fees: There are no fixed tax preparation and filing fees. The fees will depend on the entity type and complexity associated with the business.

Tax Preparation
Tax Preparation

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